Movie Trivia with William
Movie trivia with William. Study up.
Mr. Robot – Season 1- 6 & 7 and Potluck
Mr. Robot continues
Cribbage Tournament
Bring your cribbage board and cards and join in the fun for a friendly cribbage tournament. Don't need to be an expert.
Cinco de Mayo Party
Live Latino music Tacos and Tamales for sale Beer Mojitos - Beer with mint, lime and agave syrup
Movie Trivia with William
Movie Trivia with William. No buy in and prizes for the winners.
Pig Roast
We are having a pig roast. We provide the pig. You buy the beer
Mandala Wild Ale Release Party
We are having our third wild ale beer release. This beer is lemony with tropical notes.
William’s Wizardry Trivia
Tin Dog Brewing 309 S. Cloverdale Street, A2, Seattle, United StatesWilliam whips out wonderful song and movie questions - all original and hard. Bring a group of friends - whomever you bring is your team - and join us for some challenging fun. William just asks for a donation and
Mardi Gras 4th Anniversary Party
We are celebrating our 4th anniversary Mardi Gras style with King Cake, Potluck and Beignets at 6pm and beads and masks offered before that. Wild costumes welcome!
WA Beer Open House
We will have all our Wild and Sour French Oak Wine Barrel Blended beers available to buy by the glass or the bottle. Saison on Grapes - Aged for one year in a Chardonnay barrel with notes of oak, hops