On the eve of our 5th Anniversary, I am reflecting on what people are saying about our beer.

A few of the comments are from the Ballard Farmer’s Market.

Some quotes are from The Thrillist article and the Sip NW article.

They are quite an inspiration and encouragement to keep fighting the good fight for sour, wild and barrel aged beer in Seattle and in Washington State!

“It’s an epiphany for me.”

“It’s got all my taste buds firing”

“It’s a labor of love and it shows”

From The Thrillist: “Quite Possibly the Next Big Thing in Seattle Beer”

And Sip NW: “You follow the beer where it goes, instead of directing the beer where you want it to go.”

I’ll be collecting quotes tomorrow. You might see one of yours here sometime.



It’s an Epiphany for me
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